Thursday, January 24, 2013

Starting anew in 2013

Let's try this again, shall we?

Last Summer I moved to New York City for a one year Children's Ministry Internship. If you read the blog posts from the beginning of the last summer, you know it immediately started out crazy. Well, it only got crazier. I went from being an intern at an Upper West Side Manhattan Church, to being the Children's Minister at a new church plant in Brooklyn. Needless to say, my life got extremely busy as we planned for the church's opening in September. The Launch of this new Forefront Church in Brooklyn went incredibly. I have made so many new friends, and the people here really feel like family now. I mean we even weathered through a Hurricane together! Now that life has calmed down slightly (yes, emphasis on slightly), I decided to restart this blog, so that I can share my life, both the ups and the downs, with my friends and family around the world.

Baby Dedications at Forefront Church in Brooklyn, NY
So, as this new year begins I want to share a special event that happened at church this weekend. We had our first Baptisms and Baby Dedications. First 3 families (with 4 kids altogether), dedicated themselves to raising their children in God's love. It was amazing to get to be a part of that experience for my first time, and come alongside these families in promising to share God's love and grace with their children. Then 2 beautiful women, and friends of mine, Aimee and Stef, were Baptized. Their stories were touching, and their tears joyous, as they made their commitment declarations for our Savior, Jesus. Sunday was truly a blessing for the Forefront Community.

This year is going to be full of joy and happiness, but the Lord knows it will also be full of heartache and sorrow. I invite you all to follow along with me, pray for and with me, and see what is in store for this Children's Minister in Brooklyn, NY. I predict this will be one wild roller coaster of a year.