Sunday began with Church. West Side campus was still open so after 2 services at the east side, and made the trek up to the West Side for Evening service. It was also the last week of West Side services - that campus is now closed for the summer (maybe forever). There had only been 2 kids the week before (PKs), so I had them tell me their favorite Bible stories and we did Reny's (Jonah) the first week. Oliver did not make it as easy on me however. He chose Lot's wife turning to salt!!! I will be honest, I asked him multiple times through the week if he was sure that was his favorite story, but he did not back down. So, being the nice Children's Minister I am, I did the lesson. As could be guessed, we didn't talk specifically about the bad things Sodom and Gomorrah did that they were being destroyed for, but we talked about having faith in God and obeying his commands even when it is scary. And then we played with salt!! And made salt covered Paper Bag Lot's Wives. It turned out pretty fun for all 4 boys I ended up with.
After service the adults all went out to dinner around the corner to celebrate West Side Ministry. I'm glad I went because I got to meet a lovely girl from Texas, Lili! She had moved to New York just for the summer simply because she wanted to! I had a lot of fun getting to know her through dinner and now we are good friends, so her name will be popping up again!
The other VERY exciting thing that happened in week 3 is that I got to go to my very first Professional Baseball Game!!!!
Interns + kidstuf Director before game (Taylor, Sara, Michelle, Rachel, Kait and me!) |
I mean, it was the Yankees.... so it wasn't quite THAT exciting to this hard core SF Giants fan, but it was alright! The whole staff from Forefront went, so it was incredibly fun. We were right up the third base line, so we had a great view. First hit of the night was a home run by Derek Jeter, which I'll admit was pretty cool. They were playing the Atlanta Braves, and honestly got their butts kicked.
We went to get food at the stands which was crazy. Taylor and I stuck with the nice American Veggie Burgers, while the rest of the interns made the trek back down the the 2nd floor to get sushi (at a BASEBALL games.... I don't think they are American!) But it was fun hanging out with Taylor, who was rooting against the Yankees, and hearing all the funny comments the pastors kept making. Also, Kait fell asleep, which I found hilarious.
Friday of that week I tried to find a vegan coffee shop in Chelsea, but it was closed, so I got lost. Then it started raining and I got stuck in a Barnes and Noble at lunch time. And to my dismay it is like the only B&N in the world without a cafe! So I had to run across the very wet road to get to Chipotle. I was stuck in there for about an hour, luckily I had a book. When the rain finally subsided I went to my comfort spot in the city (Times Square). I actually found an awesome Comic Book shop!
To end out the day the interns all went to dinner with one of the staff members and his wife to the BEST pizza place in New York. It's called Luzzo's, it's a little hole in the wall place in the East Village, but it is AMAZING. And we even ended the night with a delicious Nutella Pizza!! Although my flip flop broke on the way to dinner and so the walk home was pretty bad (especially cause it started raining again). But hey, that's living in New York!
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